Friday, September 24, 2010

Live On A HappyLife..

"Look in the Bright Side"

When life seems overwhelming && you can't seem to get everything done..
When there isn't enough time to relax && enjoy..
When ther is a little reward for all your efforts && you wonder if it's all worth it,if this is what the future holds in store...
Try to keep a positive attitude
by looking for the little blessings that happen everyday yet often to go unnoticed.

Keep your mind open to humoruos situation,because humor can rescue you from being overwhelmed.
&& never forget that there are people who love && care about && support you through life's difficult times;people who think you're pretty special;people who care a whole lot about you..

"Live a life of happiness"

Happiness cannot come from without.

It must come from within.It is not what we see && touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy;it is that which we think && feel && do,first for the other fellow && then for ourselves.

Live so that you are at ease,in harmony wjth the world,&& full of joy.

Joy is not in things,it is in us..

True happiness must come from within you.
You will find happiness by letting your conscience guide you--listento it;follow it.
Your conscience is the key to your happiness..

"Do Not Regret From The Past;Learn From It"

Far away in the distant past lies the thought of the things that once were && how they have affected who we are today...

We regret the things we did not do && wish that we could change the things we did wrong...

We should look to the future instead..
We end up wasting our lives in remorse,&& pass right by all the good things that are happening in the present.If we look toward the future,we are sure to find at least some happiness that will make our lives worthwhile.

You can find comfort in the thoughts && actions around you.
They will help you get through the rough times && also rejoice with you when things are good.
Just look for the brighter days,&& you will get through life.
Many complications may arise,&& things will seem wrong,but stick to your virtues.
Hold your head up high so the whole world can see how special you are...

&& you will make it.

Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love && to work && to play && to look in the stars.

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