Friday, September 24, 2010

10 Things to Remember..

Here's some things that i had read about today,from Donna Fargo..It's quite interesting && i want it to share with you guys..
Ten Things to Remember When Your Feelings Have Been Trampled On
1. Whether it' a family member,somebody at work,or your best friend who's hurt you badly,put yourself in their shoes && treat them the way you would want to be treated even if they don't deserve it.
2. If you've heard something you didn't want to hear,remember it may not be 100% true.So lighten up.If it's not urgent,put off thinking about it for a couple of days.Forgive the person who wronged you;don't forget,you're doing this for yourself ,too.Try to be understanding of others as you would want them to be of you.
3. There will always be losers && winners.Act according to how you want to feel about yourself when all is said && done.Don't judge what others do if you don't want them to judge you.
4. Remember,what other people do is their responsibility.Don't let them cause you to carry a grudge && let their actions weigh you down.They are not responsible for your actions,no matter what they do,You are.
5. If someone has said something untrue about you or done something intentionally to hurt you,wish good things for that person--even if you don't feel like it.Ask for them what you desire for yourself, && it will draw those things to you.
6. If you made mistake or disappointed yourself or others,apologize quickly && earnestly;that's all you can do.Let your remorse teach you how to have compassion for others when they make mistakes,Nobody is perfect,even though we all try to be.If someone can't accept your apology,that's okay,too.
Just do the right thing && go on.
7. Talk less && listen more;you could learn something about others && about yourself.If you feel like yelling,go outside && throw rocks on the cement instead.Take a walk or,better yet, will put a melody back in your life.
8. If you think someone is making fun or you or someone you love,disarm them,not with your fist,but with your best smile.Give them something they don't know how to give.Speak to them;be bold.Ask that they be blessed && you'll be blessed,too.Forgiveness is a powerful thing;it will help your body && soul.Don't let anyone cause you to act the way they've acted toward to you, && remember that they have a right to do whatever they choose also.
9. Don't hide your hurts && pains && feelings inside where they will harden your heart.Use common sense && understanding to process them.Don't react just from your feelings;respond with maturity rather childish habit.You won't regret it.
10. Get in touch with the person you want to be & become that.Listen to your can find the answer there to every question you have.Remember,no matter how you're treated,just treat others the way you would want to treated when your feelings are getting trampled on.

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